School council


The school council at the Gymnáziu, Grösslingová 18, Bratislava is established according to § 24 of Act NR SR No. 596/2003 Coll. on state administration in education and school self-government and on amendments and additions to certain laws, Decree of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic No. 291/2004 Coll. decree no. 230/2009 Coll.

The current school board was established at a meeting on September 16, 2020. The school board approved on September 28, 2020 Statute School councils at the Gymnasium, Grösslingová 18, Bratislava.

Mission and activity

The school council is an initiative and advisory self-governing body. We oversee the strategic direction and operation of Gamče. With our membership and activities in it, we represent and promote the public interest, the interest of students and parents, as well as the interest of teaching staff and other school employees. Council membership is an unpaid position.

We meet a few times during the school year. We elect a director (who is subsequently appointed by the founder), annually approve the number of open classes and criteria for admission interviews, evaluate the results of educational work, resolve the school’s financial situation, and others.

We also carry out our activities in cooperation with Parents council, Student Parliament and other parts of the school.

Term of office

The current school board was established at the meeting on September 16, 2020.



Karina Cíleková Habšudová (za rodičov)

Vice President

Mgr. Juraj Holiš, PhD. (za pedag. zam.)


Mgr. Samuel Almássy (za pedag. zam.)
MUDr. Juraj Štekláč, PhD., MPH (za zriaďovateľa)
JUDr. Margita Medveczká (za rodičov)
Ing. Radoslav Kováč (za rodičov)
Mgr. Petra Hitková, PhD. (za zriaďovateľa)
JUDr. Lucia Plaváková (za zriaďovateľa)
JUDr. Mgr. Jozef Uhler (za zriaďovateľa)
Irena Seňanová (za nepedag. zam.)
Júlia Zauková (za študentov)


We represent the interests of individual groups in the council, so we recommend that you contact us through your representative among us.


(current school board)

Minutes of September 27, 2023
Minutes of June 1, 2023
Minutes of April 26, 2023
Minutes of October 3, 2022
Minutes of 31 May 2022
Minutes of October 8, 2021
Minutes of September 8, 2021
Minutes of 31 May 2021
Proposal from VK dated March 23, 2021
Minutes of February 25, 2021
Minutes of January 19, 2021
Minutes of October 30, 2020
VK Notice of September 29, 2020
Minutes of September 28, 2020
Minutes of September 16, 2020

(previous school councils)

Minutes of 1 October 2018
Minutes of 26 June 2018
Minutes of April 10, 2017
Minutes of February 13, 2017
Minutes of April 18, 2016