Building and the equipment

Gamča is a state school… (more about
scholarship opportunities)

in the center of Bratislava…

next to the Blue Church…

with well-equipped science laboratories of physics (2 rooms), chemistry (1 room) and biology (1 room)…

in which students improve their skills in the experiential application of knowledge in the given subjects…

we also use information and telecommunication technologies – we have three information rooms with a total of 47 modern computers and a LEGO table…

máme štyri interaktívne tabule a v každej učebni je možné využiť projektor, k internetu sme pripojení cez Slovenskú akademickú sieť (Sanet) rýchlosťou 1Gbit/s…

and we have two outdoor playgrounds and several indoor spaces for sports.
We are a mathematics gymnasium and we love mathematics.
Math classes have up to 10 hours of math subjects per week.
You can read more about mathematics at Gamča on the pages accomplishments in mathematics.
Despite the focus on mathematics, our goal is the comprehensive development of our students both in mathematics and in general classes, and therefore we do not neglect other subjects either – more on the page Accomplishments.
Foreign languages and international cooperation
English is our first and German our second foreign language, both with an average of 3 hours per week.
In English, we are preparing o.i. for the Cambridge certificates FCE (First Certificate in English) and CAE (Certificate in Advanced English), for German it is the Deutsches Sprachdiplom certificate.
Within optional subjects or clubs, it is also possible to study Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Greek languages.
We regularly take trips to English- and German-speaking European countries.
We often host foreign guests at our place, and we also travel abroad more and more, thanks to which we improve not only in terms of language but especially in terms of people. Report from Norway or from conquests of Shanghai nicely illustrate our experiences, which often not even our Day of Europe will not prepare.
Teaching staff
More about the faculty in the previous section of
Extracurricular activities
You can read about activities and competitions between and after classes or on weekends (including
OH Gamča) in the section
ActivitiesFacebook and
There are certainly other reasons to study with us: Watch Vox Gamča’s videos on the next page, come to our Open Day (information two pages later) or ask a Gamča student in your neighborhood and see what he tells you!