The stand with Gamca products is a place to thank for voluntary help to Gamca through a financial contribution to the collection. The indicated contribution amount is the rounded cost price of the gift, if you contribute more, the difference will be used to improve Gamča.
The Gamčá gift itself is also a means by which you can express your Gamčá pride and passively or actively spread the good name of Gamča at home and in the world.
Thanks for your input and enjoy choosing from the giveaways below:
SPRING 2023 UPDATE: New pieces will be available in the fall when reprints are made.
T-shirt with logo – blue

× blue (“B”)
√ women’s, men’s
± XS – XXL (women), S-XXXL (men), ?
÷ 100% organic cotton, 140g/m2
≠ contribution ≥ €10
T-shirt with inscription – white

× white (“A”)
√ women’s, men’s
± XS – XXL (women), S-XXXL (men), ?
÷ 100% organic cotton, 140g/m2
≠ contribution ≥ €10
T-shirt with inscription – dark

× dark (navy, “C”)
√ women’s, men’s
± XS – XXL (women), S-XXXL (men), ?
÷ 100% organic cotton, 140g/m2
≠ contribution ≥ €10
T-shirt with three signs – dark

× dark (navy, “D”)
√ women’s, men’s
± XS – XXL (women), S-XXXL (men), ?
÷ 100% organic cotton, 140g/m2
≠ contribution ≥ €10
Sweatshirt with logo – blue

× blue (“E”)
√ unisex
± XS – XXXXL ?
÷ 80% cotton/20% polyester, 280g/m2
≠ post ≥ €20
Sweatshirt with logo – gray

× gray (“F”)
√ unisex
± XS – XXXXL ?
÷ 80% cotton/20% polyester, 280g/m2
≠ post ≥ €20
Sweatshirt with inscription – dark

× dark (navy, “G”)
√ unisex
± XS – XXXXL ?
÷ 80% cotton/20% polyester, 280g/m2
≠ post ≥ €20
Sweater with logo – gray

× gray (“H”)
√ unisex
± XS – XXXXL ?
÷ 80% cotton/20% polyester, 280g/m2
≠ post ≥ €20
Sweater with inscription – dark

× dark (navy, “J”)
√ unisex
± XS – XXXXL ?
÷ 80% cotton/20% polyester, 280g/m2
≠ post ≥ €20
Sweater with signs – gray

× gray (“K”)
√ unisex
± XS – XXXXL ?
÷ 80% cotton/20% polyester, 280g/m2
≠ post ≥ €20
Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only.
More gifts should be added later.
How to ask for a gift?
Once you have chosen your gifts, please follow the instructions below:
1) Send a voluntary financial contribution to collection (IBAN: SK96 0200 0000 0035 2493 8255 SWIFT: SUBASKBX)
2) Send us a structured email to
a) identify in text (i.e. not a screenshot) your financial contribution to the collection for which you want a gift – date, sender’s account number, contribution amount; or state your email address in the note when paying
b) write us the product/s you want to receive as a thank you, i.e. number, name, color, size, men’s/women’s
c) write us the method of collection – in person or delivery by post (see details below)
d) we will write to you with details as soon as possible after crediting your contribution to the account
3) Both the financial contribution to the collection and the thank you in the form of a gamčák gift are voluntary acts from both parties and are not legally enforceable. We accept emails with selected Gamčák gifts no more than two weeks after making the financial donation in question in the minimum recommended amount. The variable payment symbol does not affect the gift.
4) We try to do reprints regularly. We ask for your patience, especially during the shock waves of financial contributions and gifts.
5) At school, according to the agreement, we will either bring the gift to the class or you have to stop by to pick it up. We will agree on personal collection for graduates and friends electronically.
7) In the case of delivery by post, a reasonable postage and packaging fee must be added to the minimum recommended amount of the financial contribution.
8) The stand, as well as the collection, is operated in good faith and in cooperation with the school management by the civic association Gamča perpetua. All funds raised are used to help Gamča. No data is traded, sold to third parties, etc.
9) We try to prepare gamčák products only of the best quality. In case of problems with the gift, let us know at and we will try to rectify it. With each gift there is detailed information about colors, shape, size, etc. – that’s why we do not accept requests to change the size or color out of whim.