Graduates are one of the main assets of Gamče, so we will be very happy if you contact us through the following form and stay in touch with your school:
We recommend adding our email addresses perpetua@gamca.sk or riatietelstvo@gamca.sk on the “White List” so that our emails reach you and do not unfortunately end up in the spam folder. We will not provide your data to a third party. You can revoke your consent to sending our communications at any time with a single message.
Thank you for telling your classmates about this page (form)!
Your Ad Revidendum:
Let us know well in advance and we will be happy to open your classroom or other spaces at Gamča. Or at least send us a group photo from your meeting so that not only the faculty can enjoy how you are doing.
30 years of OH Gamča:
On the occasion of the intended publication for the gala program of the 30th edition of the Olympics (OG Gamča 2017), we are putting together archival materials from the previous 29 editions. If you have results, photos and videos, t-shirt or mascot design at home – we will be happy if you make them available to us.
We also bring to your attention gamča collection and gift stand.
Thank you for your patronage!